Particle Pronunciation Guide

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Yes! Study the following guide to particle pronunciation. Why?
  1. You will be the life of any party (trust us -- we know!)
  2. You can make fools of your friends (the ones who DIDN'T study this handy guide)
  3. With names like these, how can you go wrong?
  4. You will have a leg up on learning the Greek alphabet!

baryon: BARE-ee-on

boson: BOZE-on

electron: e-LEC-tron (e-)

fermion: FARE-mee-on

gluon: GLUE-on

hadron: HAD-ron

kaon: KAY-on (K)

lepton: LEP-tahn

meson: MEZ-on

muon: MEW-on (?

neutrino: new-TREE-no ()

neutron: NEW-tron (n)

nuclear: NEW-klee-er

nucleus: NEW-klee-us

nucleon: NEW-klee-on

photon: FOE-tahn ()

pion: PIE-on ()

positron: PAUSE-i-tron (e+)

proton: PRO-tahn (p)

quark: KWORK (q)

tau: TAOW ()

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Standard Model Matter Particles